Victoria Nuland, adjunctul secretarului de stat american, reafirma intr-un mesaj video angajamentul SUA fata de securitatea Romaniei, invocind Articolul 5 din Tratatul NATO – articol care obliga toti aliatii sa intervina in cazul unei agresiuni impotriva unui stat membru.
Mesajul complet (lb. engleza al Victoriei Nuland):
And as NATO allies we have made a solemn commitment to each other under Article 5 of the NATO treaty. Today, I want to reaffirm to the Romanian people that the United States honors its commitments.
This is an important year for Romania and for the transatlantic relationship. As Romania celebrates 10 years in NATO, the United States is grateful for your country’s commitment to our alliance and all we have done together to support peace, freedom, and democracy at home and abroad.